Earn money for BCSIS while you shop.
An easy, no-cost way to help our school earn money. Every purchase helps BCSIS fund programs and help teachers. Small donations can really add up and make a difference! Check out the details in-store.
King Soopers
Link your King Soopers card to BCSIS and all you have to do is use your King Soopers card when you shop to donate to our school.
Go to Kingsoopers.com
Create a digital account. Click on ‘Sign In’ and complete the form.
Once logged in to your digital account, link your King Soopers card to your account. You will need to enter either your King Soopers card number or an alternate ID number of your choice
Click on ‘Community Rewards’ in the ‘My Account’ section
Search for Friends of BCSIS and select
BCSIS will now receive a percent of your purchases when you swipe your King Soopers card or type in your alternate ID number
**Ask Grandma, Grandpa, Aunts, Uncles, friends, anyone with a King Soopers card to link their cards to BCSIS to bring more donations to the school
Donations apply to all King Soopers and nationwide affiliated (i.e. City Market, Ralph’s, Fred Meyers, etc.). Ask grandparents in Michigan, aunts in Washington, uncles in the mountains, cousins and friends to sign up! It’s a great way for extended BCSIS family members to help the school. Throughout the year and over the summer, you can use your King Soopers card at Kroger affiliates and keep donating.
*Gas purchases are not included in the program.*You will still accumulate King Soopers frequent shopper points with your purchases.
Mabel’s Labels
Shop online for all your dishwasher and laundry safe labels, and earn money for Friends of BCSIS at the same time! Keep our Lost & Found empty & make sure your items make it home.
Type Friends of BCSIS on the Mabel's Labels page to support the school.
You can receive 20% off all of your orders at minted.com while supporting BCSIS! For each order placed, Minted gives back 15% to our school.
Use code FUNDRAISEBCSIS at checkout
Grandrabbits Toy Store
You can designate 5% of your pre-taxed purchase at Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe to BCSIS. Bunny Bucks are accrued throughout the year for the school and in January a gift card is issued to BCSIS. Teachers can redeem the gift card for books and enrichment materials for classrooms.
Tell the cashier at checkout that you’re child is a student at BCSIS.
Thank you for your effort! This is a great no additional cost to you way for our school to make needed funds. This easy option generates over $5000 annually for our school.
Have any questions? Email us at: grocerycards@friendsofbcsis.org