30% Back!
We all need to eat..so we might as well help the school when we do!!
Grab a friend, your family, another family and start Friday off right at
MOD Market Eatery with BCSIS!!
How it Works
You can participate in this fundraiser by:
Dine in
Take out
Pick up
In addition to dining in, you can participate in this fundraiser in several ways:
Phone Call
Restaurant Website
Storefront Walk-in
Please read the instructions below, so that Modern Market Eatery knows you are with the GroupRaise Meal for Friends of BCSIS, and your group will get 30% of your meal’s price donated back!
Phone Call
Call 3034400476 and mention that you are with Friends of BCSIS before placing your order.
Restaurant Website
Visit Modern Market Eatery's online order website. Use the promo code of "giveback001" and 30% of your meal’s price will be donated back to Friends of BCSIS.
Storefront Walk-in
Visit the location at 1600 28th St #1212, Boulder 80301 and they will take your order from their storefront for take-out. Mention that you are with Friends of BCSIS before placing your order.
Thanks to Kathleen Flahive for setting up these DINE OUTS for us!!!!
Also, we raised $275 from our last dine out at Flower Child!!
Thank you for your support! It was great to see everyone there!