Ed Council Meeting August 25, 2021.
Meeting time (Jen)
Does 4:30 to 5:30 work for everyone since
We now have lots of parents with middle schoolers
It gives teachers time to get home and join online
All agreed to try 4:30 to 5:30
Open Ed Council Positions (Teresa)
CGC lead
Fundraising lead especially for spring fundraiser
Co Treasurer – might have someone who might be open to helping
Community Building Lead
Newsblast and communications person – Micha is ready to pass it on
Class Reps – Teresa has people who have done it for years, but she is wanting to shift it to new parents to help pull more people into being involved. She will put a message in the newsblast on Monday.
Great response to her first eblast: she got 3-4 new parents for positions!
SAC School Accountability Committee: we could use more people…Matthew Gray and Bill Bonk are the two on the committee, Sabine and Terry are the two teacher reps. They are wary to pull people away from the school needs, but yes they could use extra help.
Matthew will send Phil a write up of the role
DAC / District Accountability Committee
DPC / District Parent Council – the group of parents that give direct feedback to district leaders – there is currently no one on this council from BCSIS.
Class Reps role description (Teresa)
Class rep is supposed to be liaison between parents in classroom and Ed Council and take concerns/suggestions back and forth, as well as pass on messages from Ed Council, but it has turned into something else and it seems that class reps don’t really show up to meetings, so she wants to make a distinctions between the roles of a Class Parent and a Class Rep.
Teachers ask parents if they want a class parent separately from class rep
Regarding meeting notes and how they get distributed, the plan is the Secretary takes detailed notes during the meetings, sends them to Phil and co-chairs for approval, writes up a brief summary and then Teresa passes it to the class reps to send out to their lists. This way the message is streamlined and consistent across all class rooms and then if the rep wants to add a personal note/flair to the summary, they can.
The summary of the notes will be ready by the Tuesday after each meeting
Back to School Night messaging and plan (Phil)
Phil sent out schedule which includes teacher meetings and 2 principal chats
He needs everybody’s ideas for priorities for his meetings as well as the teachers time:
CGC – we depend heavily on CGC
Do we share video we made in the past
Do we create new video of Ed Council members sharing how volunteering helped them feel more engaged with the school?
The video can show ways that people used their 20 hours to be more connected to the BCSIS community
Bill Bonk willing to edit individual videos with 2-3 sentences each
Opinions from Ed Council members:
Lisa Galey: Three topics: Community, Volunteerism and CGC. She thinks the CGC is the top priority b/c we need it so it should get the top priority with the teachers
Jauton: Teachers already talk about CGC and where the money goes, but says we should talk about how we have to rebuild community after the impact of last year
Teresa: if our new motto is “give your time, give your money” – how do we communicate what you get in return – community, programs, etc
Micha – communicate how our school is special - community is the biggest part of our school and we need to show up with our time and money to make it that way.
Bill says its great to have the message of volunteering come from the teachers – we have this great school b/c people volunteer – if you are interested in being reached out to, to find a way to use your 20 hours, put your name, number and email in the chat
Jen O. – people are mourning that they can’t be in the classroom – communicate that although we cant be in the classroom, there are other ways to volunteer and stay engaged.
Jessica – since we are online instead of in person – if things aren’t in person the way to get people to participate is to get them to engage while we are on the call – is there a way we can give a call to action while we are on the call.
To Do: Can teachers ask if people are interested in volunteering to put their name, email and number in the chat and then we save the chat
Dawn – can we make a slide of ways people can give their 20 hours
Jen O. – can teachers have a document that details the events coming up that we need help with
Phil suggested making a video of ed council volunteers talking about how much they love participating. Us telling our story, when I first joined the school, I didn’t know anyway, when I joined Ed Council I was making connections and felt like I was part of the school and had my finger on the pulse of the school
Teresa and Phil will take all feedback and come up with plan and then send those ideas out to teachers – will connect quickly with Bill to see if a video will be put together and figure out the best way to represent CGC
Extra info:
We’ve already raised $25k without much effort
Teresa – trying to find ways with a Community Building team to find out of the box ways to help keep people connected
Teresa will have CGC, volunteer and grocery card table in front of the school to keep people aware.