ED Council Meeting | Minutes October 2021
Ed Council Meeting October 20, 2021
Parent classroom volunteers (Phil)
The district sent out an email about a new volunteer system. The system will be great at some point in the future, but protocol hasn’t changed about volunteering at this time.
Critical mental health workers and instructional people will be allowed, but for now, no parents.
Although we miss having parent volunteers in the building, it really helps minimize risk of Covid transmission as much as possible.
Shade structure (Jenny and Laura)
The shade structure committee came together to figure out ways to have shade in the lunch area for snacks, lunch and outside learning on the South side of the building.
They had a meeting with Phil and someone from BVSD
Three options:
18x26 shade – we would have to take it down during snowy months. Concrete posts. Cost is $16k
20x30 shade and a couple tables: $30k
Tables that come with a shade integrated. Cost per is $9k per table with installation
We could ask High Peaks to get involved, but they did pay for the fan in the gym a few years ago, so that may affect the amount that High Peaks contributes to the overall cost.
Putting the shades down is pretty easy. They are not adjustable.
We would need to get a permit from the state, but the company handles all of that as part of the cost.
Jess – The cost is pretty pricey and only usable for 4 months since they can’t stay on during the snow months – is there anything else that can handle snow load
Jarret – can we leverage families with architects and in construction that can create a structure that works with the weather
Phil will ask if there are other routes we can go back to the district and ask
Dawn – can we look at original plan for play structure that included a plan for shade (that got dropped b/c of budget) and see if that plan has any good ideas some that we may even be able to use federal funds
The team will circle back around with Phil to figure out next steps.
Upcoming Festival (Teresa)
Lantern Walk is happening – we will get communication to the school soon
Winter Festival is being moved up a week
Spiral Garden – either cancelled this year or integrated into Winter Festival
Spiral Garden has always been a parent to parent event – it can be done by parents again this year, just not in the school building.
4th/5th Grade Winter Event: moved to spring, so we can have it outdoors. It will include art and music.
Phil and Teresa will put something in the Newsblast re changes to upcoming events for the year
New Treasurer
Sameer will take over for Yael as treasurer.
Friends Winter Festival (Teresa and Niki)
B/c it will most likely be indoors, it has to be labeled as a parent to parent event
Niki is looking for a venue that is indoor and outdoor so we have flexibility
Going to forgo kids’ talent show during festival and push it to the spring (and use it as a fundraising opportunity as well)
Sunday the 12th – 11 to 3 window, but whatever the venue dictates
Bake sale
Wine wall
Handmade holiday market place
Auction (if we can get enough donations)
Engaging activities – fundraising games/activities like we usually have
Great event, but not as logistically complex as when it is at school. Some things to consider:
We will have to spend money on a venue
We have limited time for set up with a rented venue
We have to galvanize parents – so many things we can use help on
Food – if we want food donated it is easier
We have to have some experiences that are free
We have someone to do the bake sale
Christina will do market
Getting volunteers that are needed:
Melissa – how do we make it easier for class reps to say, “we need 5 people right now” – might be a bit more palatable if we break it into needs per classroom
Lisa – also put out what the timeline is to get volunteers and items
If every class could collect 5-10 donated items, we’d have a robust offering
Venues in Boulder aren’t that expensive – but a tent with heat requires a permit and is way more expensive
If you have ideas, email Niki nikipedia@me.com
Can the classrooms make items for the market – Jen will ask the staff
Niki could send a list to ed council about what we need
Class reps need to be cheerleaders and Niki And Teresa will work on messaging